"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

yeah, communitychannel and i think on the same wavelengths...

Mood: hungry
Listening to: "Mistake" by Stephanie McIntosh
Hungry for: dinner!

This is what I mean about the 'msn thing' (or the IM thing if you're American):


Another thing that is touched on in that vid that also bugs me to no end is when teachers say that I'm not living up to potential. Because, the things is, I have four kinds of teachers: the teachers who teach subjects that I try really hard at and give me nice comments in my report, the teachers who teach subjects I don't try hard at but give me nice comments because they're retarded and don't know I could do 200% better, the teachers who teach subjects that I try really hard at but give me lousy comments and give my parents the whole 'Lady Renegade is not reaching her potential' crap, and, the rarities, the teachers who teach subjects that I don't try really hard at, and therefore are well within their rights to moan about my test results.

Oh, and if you're a teacher that reads this, then YOU DON'T FIT INTO THE LAST CATEGORY. Don't flatter yourself.

I mean, I know most teachers don't know what they're talking about when they say all that potential garbage. I've had teachers who have said that I am working brilliantly when in fact I do all the homework at about three in the morning, guessing half of it and copying the rest, and I've had other teachers who just can't accept I'm not good at pi and the periodic table. For most teachers, when they say that, it's just a bluff. They just want to show the world that they know what they're talking about when they don't, and they want to show the world that I'm a lazy fat-arse Asian. Of course, that is exactly what I am, but only I am allowed to say that.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting super regularly, and I know my posts haven't been super interesting either. But a couple of things have been annoying me lately, like...

my eyeshadow that seems to wear off every six seconds.

my lipgloss that isn't behaving. I squeeze it for half an hour and nothing comes out, and then when I'm just about to give up and give it one last pinch and then half the tube comes gushing out.

and other stupid things, like how my hair sticks to my lips when I've just glossed them, so I end up with deglossified lips and sticky hair, and how foundation peels off no matter *what* you do...

sigh. the trials or being a girl.

Or it could just be the trials of being Lady Renegade...

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