"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Arwen/Aragorn/Eowyn - Never Again

I love this video. I wish I could do this to...oh, I don't know...BSC?

It's an Arwen-Aragorn-Eowyn (Lord of the Rings). I love how Arwen gets her revenge - Aragorn looks positively demented in some scenes. Mwahahaha...

Update: I know some people aren't familiar with Lord of the Rings, so here's a brief description.

Arwen/Aragorn/Eowyn's story is basically like this (in the real version)

Arwen and Aragorn are in love and are pledged to each other, but in order to marry him Arwen, as a half-elf, must chose a mortal life, and forgo her chance at immortality. Her father (the half-elven king, Elrond) does not allow her to become human and marry Aragorn until Aragorn has successfully taken the Ring to this volcano to be destroyed and realizes his destiny as King of Gondor. Aragorn leaves to make the journey with eight other companions, leaving Arwen behind with her father at Rivendell, the half-elven kingdom.

Whilst Aragorn is on his travels, he goes to Rohan, a kingdom known for their horses and warfare. There he meets Eowyn (ey-oh-win), a Rohirrim princess, who is fustrated with the demure duties she is given as a woman and dreams of riding into war alongside her brother, Eomer (ey-oh-mair - he's played by the absolutely gorgeous KARL URBAN!!!). When Eowyn meets Aragorn, she is jealous and in awe of his many opportunities and skills in battle, and thinks she is in love with him. Aragorn knows that she is simply in love with his warrior-like image, and wishes it were her own, and that he cannot return her feelings as he is pledged to Arwen.

In the end, though, it all works out. Eowyn sneaks into the battle ranks and wins honour and glory in battle, and later meets and falls in love with Faramir, a Gondorian prince who serves as Steward of Gondor. They eventually get married and have a son.

Aragorn completes his mission, becomes King of Gondor, and marries Arwen. As a mortal, he eventually dies (at like 210 years old after a 120 year rule) and Arwen dies of heartbreak and loneliness a year later.


The video's storyline, I think, is much more interesting.

Aragorn and Arwen are in a happy relationship when he leaves her for Eowyn. He writes her a letter explaining why he has done what he has done and how he is sorry, but Arwen burns the letter, unread, knowing what it would say and refusing to accept his apologies. Aragorn then has a relationship with Eowyn, but is haunted by dreams and images of Arwen. Eventually, Aragorn gets bored of Eowyn and leaves her, leaving her heartbroken. He returns to Arwen, but she refuses to take him back.


The song is 'Never Again' by Kelly Clarkson.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. quote "I wish I could do this to BSC"
You know, I didn't watch that video, but I'm not sure if I would or wouldn't do that to him, from what you told us about the vid.
See you


Anonymous said...
