"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Friday, July 17, 2009

If you don't like me, then get off my blog.

I'm not sexist. I love men. I think men are awesome and my guyfriends are my best friends in the world.

It's just the way some of them behave - like they're so good and women are so crap. And it's not just 19th century, it's everywhere, today.

Like my schools - they favour the male students, they always have. Girls somehow have to reach a higher standard for less reward. Why?

And then things get worse if you go to places like India or Afghanistan, where women are killed simply for being women. Sure, the worst of the Taliban regime may be over, but that doesn't mean that they're not still there and terrify half the population into keeping their daughters hidden.

I've had many bad experiences with boys, because they all thought they're so much better than me. So much better than a freaky litte Asian nerd girl and her little nerdy girl friends. I know most men aren't like that, and I know that they are changing, but that doesn't mean it's all good yet. Until every single woman is equal to every single man in every single country of the world, I'm still a bloody feminist.

And if you don't like me or my opinions, I don't care. I'm a free Australian; I can say what I want. So if you don't like my blog, I'm not changing one word of it. Get out of here if you don't like it. It's my blog. My writing. My life.


Manifold said...

It's about your oneway understanding of equality and sexism. You ridicule the sexism and discrimination against men in the modern world.

And that I cannot tolerate.

You write about women having it difficult in this world and men not? Read this.


Terrible isn't it?

Perhaps you will learn, that both sexes are discriminated against and both are victims of sexism. Then this encounter would be fruitful for both of us.

Greetings from a masculist,

Die Söhne von Perseus

Anonymous said...

If Manifold is so annoyed by your blog, then perhaps he should just scoot off to his little house where he can write mean letters to someone who's actually being ridiculous.