"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Guys, Calm Down.

I am a fifteen year old girl. I never claimed to always write 100% seriously. Some things on this blog are quite obviously silly and/or badly written. Sometimes you need an outlet for inferior goods; I don't think we have enough exposure to stuff that's so bad it's good. So it's really not fair to dismiss my decent poems and throw criticism at the silly ones. I'm a blogger, not a genius.

I am an atheist feminist and one of the purposes of this blog is to advocate, promote, discuss and educate people about the feminist and atheist theories. I think that what I believe is right; but I also respect that other people are entitled to their own opinion. Many people don't know this, but I actually read this blog called Passionate Homemaking , to better understand women from all walks of life. And you know what? I actually agree with a lot of things on that blog, such as frugal living and the beautiful responsibility of motherhood. I didn't think I'd have so much in common with devout God-fearing people, but I think it's the woman in all of us that connects us. And the way of living that they advocate is a perfectly healthy way for women to live - but it's only one option. So with this thinking, I don't actually advocate one lifestyle for women over another; all I advocate is that women have the choice; the free choice of how they lead their lives. It's a basic human right. 

Please know that, as a blogger, I have the right to moderate comments, and to refuse to publish comments I find to be hurtful, rude, pointless or cyberbullying. I'm a highschooler; I'm not dumb. I know what bullying is and I know that I should not have to put up with it. I also know that the bullies are the real people hurting; I know that, when people try to drag me down and make me doubt myself, it's because they're afraid of what I can do. But, as readers, you have the right to express your opinion on my writing and I respect that. Therefore, my policy is to publish all coments that are civil and are non-personal, regardless whether people agree with me or not. Because none of us have the right to expect that everyone will agree with everything you say. I believe that what I believe in is right; but there is more than one right, and more than one wrong.  

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