"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Malaysia Solution...to what?

I cannot believe we've signed the Malaysia Agreement or Solution or whatever the fuck it's called.  Our politicians are compassionless cockroaches.

And I am so thankful that we have a high court judge with more compassion than a cockroach, who blocked it.

Why is it called a solution? What is there to solve? I say it time and time again, but it's like breathing underwater. The more I say it, the more criticism I get. But it's true - we are a large, wealthy nation in need of the labour and cultural enrichment that immigrants - and yes, that includes the boat people we all love to hate so much. 
I cannot believe that we, a highly-sophisticated, wealthy developed country, signed an agreement to send unaccompanied children, women with infants etc. to a place where human rights are ignored, whipping is common and refugees are treated worse than we treat mass murderers. On behalf of the Australian population who aren't shameless backwards bastards, I apologise.

Refugees are people. Boat people are people. We all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, right? No, apparently not. Apparently we can bask in our first-world glory and let boat people rot away due to - what? Religion. Politics. Intrigue. Famine. Corruption. Horrible, human things like that - horrible things horrible human beings do to make other human beings suffer. And we do not even help!

When are we going to get over our 'not our problem' thinking? When are we going to realize that they are one of us? Despite being Asian and the child of immigrants, I receive a relative amount of acceptance here, but I would like to think that I, as I am, would receive the same compassion and hospitality if I were a refugee or a boat person. But I highly doubt it. It's not who you are that matters in this world, but what you are. I just happen to be a free woman, and I am treated differently because of something that is pure chance. No matter what happens, I am what I am, but the law, humanity itself, does not see that.

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