"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I've often said that you're never too young for anything.

Perhaps you can be too young to have your say in things you know nothing about, though.

Recently Justin Bieber gave an interview with Rolling Stone and spoke out against abortion, being the whole goody-goody angel he supposedly is. When asked what his opinion of abortion was in the case of rape, he said that 'some things happen for a reason'.

This kid is what, sixteen? He's openly too virginal to be human. He doesn't even have a publicly-acknowledged girlfriend. He's a boy who sings like a girl. What the hell would he know about abortions?

I don't really have an opinion of abortion. As much as I'm pro-life, the rights of the mother must also be considered, especially in cases of rape. So I won't say that I'm a pro-life person, but I won't say that I advocate abortions either. It's a complicated business and a sixteen year old who plainly knows nothing about the dramas of sex for women should keep out of it.

I'm tired of celebrity know it alls, or celebrities who say really stupid shit, as though they've never been to school. Recently Kanye West complained on twitter how expensive abortions are and that women who got pregnant by rich people were golddiggers because abortions cost 100 grand or something stupid like that. What the crap does he know? He probably doesn't know a baby from a can of soup, or a pregnant lady from the President.

All my opinions are based on personal experience or research. These opinions? They're just based on stupidity.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

For me, losing a child for any reason [miscarriage, abortion, chance] seemed to be one of the most unreasonable things that could happen. It would switch off my rationality.

(Even with the scientific argument that we can't keep every single example of the species...and keeping people alive who might not have been considered viable).

And this "everything happens for a reason" is probably a bit simple.

Probably the further away a celebrity is from schooling or school culture, I would trust them.

And your opinions are probably better directed than some of the people on Oh No They Didn't, which covered that aspect of the story extensively.

My three criteria would probably be:

* Safe
* Low cost
* minimum trauma.

(and aftercare would be especially important).

"Perhaps you can be too young to have your say in things you know nothing about, though."

It really does reveal the gaps in people's thinking and learning; the cognitive fallacies/distortions they might use.