"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Ten Virtues of Being a Single Woman

1. The absence of a significant other means that I can divide my time quite comfortably between study, eating and The Big Bang Theory. My study schedule is so crowded that really, there is not much else that can fit in my life for the next two years. A boyfriend would ruin my plans quite nicely.

2. As I am not the Virgin Mary, I will not have to worry about teenage pregnancy. Or STI, for that matter.

3. As a single woman I can spend a good deal of my time guiltlessly perving on people I will never meet online. From my limited experience I know that Google Imaging Sam Worthington and Eric Bana is uncomfortable when one is in a relationship - the closest I will come to cheating, I suppose.

4. In the absence of a boyfriend I can watch as much Pride & Prejudice as I like, and I do not have to endure films that are not in English, badly dubbed and involve excessive amounts of bad kungfu.

5. I spend a good deal of my time in my pyjamas with no makeup, my hair unwashed and eating like a pig. One can only do this when one is single or happily married with tiresome kids as an excuse for this slovenly behaviour.

6. I love wearing lipstick, and lipgloss. Apparently boys don't like either.

7. The only time that I have religiously shaved my legs every day is during the brief periods of 'dating'. Imagine having to actually shave your legs every day. Bleurgh.

8. Being single when one is as young as I am gives men the opportunity to grow up (this takes roughly thirty-forty years) with as little heartbreak whilst waiting as possible.

9. If I got a boyfriend who wasn't about a foot taller than me, I would never, ever get to wear my new black stilettos. Screw Romeo and Juliet, no stilettos is a proper tragedy.

10. I can be me, not a Mrs, or the girlfriend of. Just me.

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