"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Saturday, February 19, 2011

There's a reason why I don't like democracy.

Democracy is about the ignorant masses voting for dumb old arseholes who are sexist, rascist, conservative pigs who try to save the world from feminists and boat people.

Boat people.

Why do we call them 'boat people'? Do we call each other 'house people'? Do we call students 'school people'? Do we call prisoners 'jail people'? Do we call babies 'womb people?' No.

What do we think it is, the bloody Spanish Armada? We are Australia, big, powerful, wealthy Australia, and we're terrified of a couple of boats.
Here's news for you, Tony Abbot and John Howard and everyone else who say 'boat people' in the same way we say 'diarrhoea' - boat people are real people, just like you and me. Boat people have families, lives, cultures, that we ignore when we look at them, poor and dirty, in boats that look like a blind six year old made them, and call them 'boat people'.

Someone wise once said that all men are entitled to the unalienable rights of 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'. But how many men actually get that? And what do our dear politicians who go home to a hero-worshipping wife and perfect blond children and a comfortable house and good food know about what life is like in war-torn places of the world where these so-called boat people come from? Try pursuing happiness in Afghanistan, where you'll more likely get blown up than anything else.

Australian media portrays it like there are millions of people swamping in to Australia on dinghies and have come to eat the steak and bangers right off our plates and soak up all our hard-earned taxes as Centrelink payments whilst they slog around doing nothing eating funny food and speaking funny languages. C'mon guys, we've never even had a proper Yellow Peril, so why fuss about what, 2000 people coming on a boat per year? We have nearly 23 million people. If the Australian government didn't make it like all of Asia is coming in to drown Australia in soy sauce, you really wouldn't notice.

We are so inconsiderate of the less fortunate. None of us here can even fathom what life would be like in wartime or poverty. We moan over our measly $67,000 incomes, well, try living on less than 67. Dollars. Yeah.

We take starving children and desperate people and treat them like criminals, there is no way to sugar coat this. We lock them up for as long as we like - even murderers know when they're going to get out. Barbed wire, this is how we treat victims of war and famine. And if a boat crashes, what does the Australian government do? 'Oopsies!' Members of the opposition even wanted funerals of the victims from the recent Christmas Island disaster to take place on Christmas Island, with family members having to finance their expenses to say farewell to loved ones. Disgraceful. You don't even treat a dog like that.

Why don't we care about the people who come here hoping for a better life? Australia has so much to offer, yet what we do offer is beyond pathetic. Why are we so backwards and rascist, and why do we make all attempts to hide this? If the boat people were white and not Middle Eastern or Asian, you'd treat them with more respect. Immigrants in Australia are some of the most hard working, honest, upright and intelligent people you will ever meet, yet whether they're boat people or born and bred Australians, we're still treated with blatant condescension and disrespect. They told us all the White Australia and One Australia crap was over, but it's not. The proof? Detention centres.

Put murderers in jail, not innocent people. You hear stories of people getting away with horrific crimes with a mere two years in prison, yet people who have done nothing wrong can spend years, decades in barbed wire hell. We deny them their basic rights and liberties, they have no identity, and you still expect us to say that the Australian government is liberal and the people are generous. They're not. Australian spirit means nothing if it does not exist.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

In fairness, Bowen and Morrison did say "Let the children out into community-based placements".

That's what they said.

Now what will they do?

Some very traumatised people on Christmas Island at the moment.

(And I prefer hoisin and wasabi at various periods).