"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Now Playing: I'm Not Calling You a Liar by Florence + The Machine (and when you kiss me I am happy enough to die)

A few days ago my favourite vlogger of all time charlieissocoollike made his relationship (for a year! I can't believe he managed that long!) public.

Now, I hope this blog post doesn't sound too up myself. I have a very slow traffic blog. I am nowhere near as famous as Charlie McDonnell. But...I'm still out there, in the public sphere. This is taking 'wearing your heart on your sleeve' to the next level, seriously.

But um...yeah. I never know how to say things on my blog. Like things that happen in my life. Things that mean a lot to me that I used to whinge about and now I...can't.

I mean, how do I bring it up? Would I announce a boyfriend in some grand spectacle post? What about a breakup? Do I just not mention it at all? Is that even possible, considering how personal my blog can get? Or just mention it occasionally and hope people will cotton on? Either way it all sounds pretty cringe-worthy.

I expect to be blogging for a long time yet. It's wonderfully therapeutic, and it's so cool having a time capsule. But you know, things are going to happen that are like...personal...and I don't know how to bring it up on the public sphere.


But I may have mentioned, I'm really bad at secrets. Especially my own. And this...this is my secret. Other things are all tied up with friendships and relationships and all sorts of complicated stuff but this is my secret.

I guess this is my weird convoluted way of saying that I'm not an nbk anymore, and I feel weird because I feel like I'm keeping secrets from my readers even though nobody probably cares and lalalala and wololol but I keep writing about it without actually writing about it and yeah anyway I've lost it and I'll stop whinging about it. I promise. And I hope I won't brag about it too much. I don't know. It was pretty cool ;P

I don't even know why I'm bringing it up. I'll spare you the details, because it's private and special and I'll lose the warm fuzzy feeling if I just broadcast what's going through my head. I guess I'm just bragging, really, or maybe I'm just in shock because I didn't at all expect things to turn out the way things...did. But in all seriousness, I feel like you guys have grown with me and this is all a part of growing up and it should be on my blog, it really should. Because when I'm old and married and had thousands of kisses I'll flip through my blog and remember my first one. And yes, it's been nearly a month but um...I'm kinda...chicken...

I haven't spent the whole month thinking about it. I do have year twelve finals. I just haven't known how to bring it up but if you read closely through some of my recent posts I already have...

It's late. I'm tired. I'm not thinking straight. I might delete this in the morning.


And I'm not saying who!

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