"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Thousand Thousand Fearless Things #78

Now Playing: The Scientist by Coldplay (questions of science, science and progress, do not speak as loud as my heart)

#712: New soap order!

#713: School's out!...exams begin. FML.

#714: My jacket's got THUMBHOLES.

#715: I've always found it funny that my closest friends can quote my blog ad infinitum. Makes me go all weird and bubbly inside.

#716: Shopping with mummy

#717: Cookie dough ice cream is my new boyfriend

#718: Recess parties. Oreos and Love. 

#719: Reading Women's Agenda. Apparently if things progress as they are we will achieve housework parity in 2050. The fuck. I will be 54 by then. C'mon, feminists! How hard is it to teach a man how to change diapers and do laundry without shrinking wool? (which my father has done on...multiple occasions...)

#720: I don't need a friend who thinks it's okay to blab secrets

#721: Losing the gay marriage debate. Maintain your rage, people. Gay or straight, black or white, marriage is a civil right.

#722: 'Sincerity is the beginning and the end of all things. Without it there is nothing.' Confucius, you may be a misogynistic motherfucker, but at least your son got something right. 

#723: Chendol. Hell hath no fury like a woman deprived of palm sugar. Feel the coconut love.

#724: I may be easy to read and bad at keeping my own secrets, but I'm also an excellent liar. Far too good for my own good. 

#725: I can do better than this.

#726: If I help you win the right to walk down the aisle can I be there to watch it happen?

#727: It's true, you know. You both remind me so much of each other, and I love you both. But you know I love you more. 

#728: 'I studied Bach, Jacques Chirac and Isaac Asimov, but I wasn't on the ski bus...'

#729: New quotes page - you likey?

#730: I know I'm sounding all aggressive and hostile and angsty lately, but for all of my friends...you all know that I love you to the moon and back

#731: There's something so pure about 100% Coconut Soap

#732: Spent all of yesterday brewing a rosmary infusion. There was something very theraputic about it and now I've got two litres of the stuff to play with. 

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