"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Now Playing: Two Way Street (Live at Sing Sing) by Kimbra (you wake me from the slumbers of my head, from the slums of loneliness)

I've just noticed an absurd amount of typos and other random things on my blog.

I'm sorry :(

I hope you guys are all smart enough to get the gist of what I'm trying to say, even with typos and random half finished sentences.

I don't have an editor - I fly JetStar, how many servants do you think I have? I type really, really fast, often with frozen fingers and formerly on a very temperamental wireless keyboard before I caved and switched avant-garde for FUNCTIONS NORMALLY (granted, it is hard to expect any keyboard to function normally when you've got your back to your computer and it's balanced on your knee whilst you wrestle the dog away from your ramen noodles. Oh, the things I got up to when I was fourteen...) That and the fact that I'm nearly always doing something else whilst I'm blogging; listening to music, downloading music, playing solitaire, writing an email, doing the homework, absent-mindedly surfing the net, doing open heart sugery...Further, the writing process begins before I sit down and start writing; I just collect ideas in my head, in a little virtual notebook; if you see me mumbling to myself (silently, because I have been beaten up for that before) I'm normally wrestling with wording, as in how to word the ideas in my head into something coherent enough for my blog. But by the time I get home, all I have are half-formed jokes and unfinished trains of thought and rather mindless rambles and it's all rather...convoluted. It takes a lot of thinking, a lot of experimenting, some surreptitious Googling,  a lot of cut copy paste (of my own work! I do believe in academic integrity!) of paragraphs (if ideas get a bit extra-chronological it's because I had a moment of 'wouldn't it be clever of me if I stuck this paragraph here!), and a lot of backspace-key-raping to get something I'm happy with, and even then, I've never been very good at proofreading until after I've clicked 'publish' - the irony is, I never really use the 'preview' button. Ever. So out of this process, it's actually quite amazing that, most of the time, my posts are vaguely readable.

I learned what little I know about html from my lovely nerdy Wikipedia-editing days; I'm still not very good at it, but the html required for blogger is really not that hard...until it fucks up. If there are random huge gulfs between paragraphs, or other random thingies, it's because I've tried and failed to wrestle with html. Italicizing, putting things in bold type...it works at the click of a button...never at all, actually. There's a little glitch in the system and it's bloody annoying.

Oh, the irony. I'm tacking this paragraph on the morning after. This post ended a little abruptly, eh?

Well, I'm still multitasking. In a weird moment of nostalgia I bought Coco Pops for the first time in ages, and now I'm sitting here feeling like a six year old with no concept of BMI. ;)

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